Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Storm is Over

Monday, December 15, 2008
State '08

Monday, December 8, 2008
'Canes Roll Over the Oilers
The view of the Pearland supporters in the stands
Parents and friends congratulate James after the game.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
11-0... Three Weeks To Go!

Hightower Head Football Coach, Shane Hallmark, greeted by his adorable twin sons after the game.
Hightower Defensive Coordinator (a.k.a Husband Dude), James Williams, poses with daughter Janai after the victory.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Not Too Bad.
1. If it looks like we're sinking into the floor, it's because these shots were taken outside on the grass.
2. There is a little creature in Jay's nose (his left, your right) that only a mom would notice.
3. Janai's hair is not like that on purpose, but it doesn't look too shabby.
4. I have the neck of a giraffe, and had the nerve to have my chin up in the sky for most of the shots.
5. Ummm... where's Daddy? Oh... Texas high school football. Arghhh!
Hope you enjoy!
Monday, November 24, 2008
What a Weekend
Stomach virus? Check.
Hair appointment? Check.
Football game? Check.
Grocery shopping? Check.
Birthday party? Check.
Church? Check.
Family picture? Check... well, sort of.
What a busy weekend! I managed to get over the stomach virus by Friday afternoon. And things have been crazy in the Williams household ever since. The football game was the best high school game I've seen all year, and even better was the fact that James' team landed another mark in the "W" column, bringing the team to a record of 10-0.
But no time to celebrate... I had to throw together a 1st birthday party for Jay on Saturday. With the exception of a few glitches, it went off well.
Then there was Sunday. We are early risers and get to church at 7:30am to prepare for the 8:30am service. Then there's the 10:00am Compass class that we host. Then at 11:00am, we're usually on our way back home in time for a quick lunch before James has to head to the fieldhouse to work, while the kids and I lay it down for an afternoon nap.
What was different about this Sunday is that I (being the bright person that I am) had scheduled a photo shoot for Jay's 1st birthday, and while at it, why not take a family picture as well? Seemed like a logical idea to me. Well, everything went wrong with that logical idea.
First, the kids and I napped until 3:45pm and the photographer arrived at 4pm. While he set up shop in the backyard, I worked frantically to get the kids dressed and to style Janai's hair. I managed to put some pretty spiral curls in her hair only to have them fall straight the moment she walked outside into the humid Texas November air. She looked like a wild woman. So I quickly brushed it into pony tails. Jay did not nap well, so you can only imagine the kind of mood he was in. Ummm... and what's a family picture without all members of the family present? James was busy putting together the defensive game plan for this week, and wasn't able to get back home in time. Yay.
Then there were the birthday pictures. Steve (the photographer) had planned to get some shots of Jay tearing into an 8-inch birthday cake and having loads of fun with icing all over his face. Well, that did not go according to plan. When the kid's hands touched the cake, he completely lost it! He looked down at his messy hands, looked at the cake as if it were evil, and with big crocodile tears streaming down his face, he screamed to the top of his lungs and wouldn't let up.
I still had to pay for Steve's time, and I doubt that there will be many good pictures to choose from. I will share them once I have them back. But I must plan better next time. Thank God it's a holiday week.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Baby's First Birthday
A Huge Playoff Win!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Good Hair Day!

Jay proved Chaplin wrong and handled the cut like a champ. He sat there with his cape on like a big boy (with a pacifier, of course). Uncle Juan asked "how are we going to cut it" and I responded "just take it off... take it all off". Now it's gone... all of it... it's all gone. I'm still in a bit of shock. He looks like a different kid... ahem, a shorter kid. And... I didn't realize how big his head was underneath all of that hair! Here are some pics... Enjoy!

Ummm... are you gonna cut that hair off in the back too? Just wondering...
Ahhh.. Time for the edge up. Sorry Jay, that pick is of no use to you now.

Ta Da! Look at my little man!
And Ta Da! Look at all of that hair!
A Playoff Win!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
It's a Bloggin' Birthday Party (cont'd...)
Happy B-Day James! Hope you had a great day!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It's a Bloggin' Birthday Party!
You're my best friend in the good times
I never thought I could feel this loved
The best of my life.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday from Janai!
Happy Birthday Dah-Dee from Jay!
I wish you continued good health, happiness, and prosperity. I also wish you and your team continued success all the way through the State playoff. We are so very proud of you and all of your accomplishments, keep up the good work.
Big Mama sends her love, and me too. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AND MANY MORRRRRE.
Happy 50th (I mean 18th) Birthday, James. Many happy returns. Enjoy your day!
May you be blessed on today. Happy Birthday!
Love, Mama Nell and Jerry
Happy Birthday and Best Wishes.
Poppa Bear Finnell

Happy Birthday big man! I hope you have a great day today and realize how much you are loved and respected. Jennifer and I miss seeing you and Alveda in class but you always bring a smile to our face when we see you. We are so proud of you and your beautiful family. Keep believing for great things professionally and most of all personally. We love you. Happy Birthday again!
Our best days are yet to come,
David Hull
Senior Director Of Ministry Development
Lakewood Church
Happy Birthday James. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Denise Hallmark
Happy Birthday, James! May God bless you with many many more.
Rona Reid
Hey James! Have a happy and blessed birthday!!! Going to state would be a great birthday present!
Monica Lewis
Happy Natal Day Big James! I pray the next year brings higher heights and greater joys (and better Illini football:) God Bless Ya Real Good!
Rychetta Watkins
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is blessed and full of wonderful surprises! All our best!
Valerie and Wes Herndon
The Thompson Family is extending Happy Birthday wishes to you from the great swing state of OH that Obama turned blue! We hope that you have a wonderful birthday. Enjoy your day and you family!
Be Blessed!
The Thompson’s
Happy Birthday 40 Dawg, hey hopefully as you get a little older the memory of the Missouri Meltdown will fade (and yes I know it would be easier if I wasn’t there to remind you constantly, LOL!!)
Happy Birthday man and all the best!!!
Lloyd R
Happy Birthday, defensive GURU. Hope you don’t age too much during the play offs.
Coach Garner
Happy Birthday James, Enjoy your hair now because after a couple of years as DC it is going to fall out and what’s left will become gray! I am blessed to have you here on my staff and wish you the best.
Coach Shane Hallmark
Happy Birthday James. You don’t look a day over 40!!!!!!! Glad you came to Hightower.
Happy Birthday. Love Ya!
Tommy, Ceci, and the Girls.
Happy Birthday James.
Action 32
Terri Carson
Happy Birthday James! Hope you have a great day!
Maria Richards
Happy Birthday big J-Dub Have a good one and good luck this week.
Brian Layton
Happy Birthday James! Man it must be tough to blow out ALL of those candles these days! LOL I hope you have a great day and may our Lord continue to bless you and your beautiful family. BTW, shutouts are awesome!!!!!!!!
Freddie Maynard
You know what I think of you, so I won't get all mushy!
Chad Hunt
Hope you and the fam are doing well. Good luck in the play-offs. God Bless!
Keith Barrow
Who in their right mind would have a birthday during the play-offs?
Best of luck to you & the Hurricanes. Happy Birthday.
Tell my man J-Dub Happy Birthday, and I hope he gets all the presents that he wants.
Andre Roberson
Happy Birthday James,

Go dancing, and enjoy 33 years that God has blessed you to have. You have such a good spirit and a wonderful family. Freeze me some cake!!! I love you.
Happy Birthday James!... Hope you have a great day!!
Carl, Gayla, Jordan, Jake and Baby Jenna Johnson
Happy Birthday Daddy J! We feel so blessed to call you guys friends and pray that you have an awesome day today.
Thad and Jeanette
A year older and no prettier... A shame really. Happy Birthday!!
Vic and Helen Wheeler
Happy Birthday Big Daddy!!!!! You do MF proud!!
Dave Pollack
Happy Birthday!!!
I still remember...
Congrats on your success this year, don't beat Moon too bad!!!
Miss you buddy!
Happy Birthday James! I was trying to find something witty or funny to write even searching the internet for ideas, but, decided to keep it short and simple.
Happy 33rd Birthday!
Go Hurricanes!
Happy Birthday James!!!!One of the few positive things that I got out of that Hell I went through at Kempner was you as a friend. I wish you all the best buddy.
Happy Birthday Cuz
May the Lord Continue to Bless You With Many, Many More ...........
Love you
Connie & Family
Happy Birthday Big James. Enjoy your day and send us some cake to Virginia!
Nef (Jajuan), Wanda, and Jim Jim
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Presidential Park and Gardens

Hightower Football Week 8
Yes, We Can!
On October 20th, two weeks before election day and the first day of early voting in Texas, I cast my vote for the Obama-Biden ticket. However, emotions and anxiety continued to run high - I carried a lingering heaviness in the back of my head. On November 4th, I was completely useless at work. I called or texted most of my friends and family in my red home state of Virginia to make sure that everyone who was eligible had cast their vote. Senator Obama had spent so much time and money in the state and had a chance to turn it in his favor. I was excited to get the reports of friends waiting in line for 4-5 hours.
Anyway, fast forward to election night. I was invited to several watch parties, but opted to sit at home alone and monitor the votes state by state. I had studied the electoral map insanely and knew that Obama had really changed the map, while John McCain had only a slim path to victory. At around 7:30pm CST, the heaviness in my head suddenly lifted and my soul rested when ABC and MSNBC declared Obama the winner in Pennsylvania. I was texting the information to a friend who was in Grant Park. They were getting the calls from CNN who was being very conservative (and slow) in their projections. She tells me that I have "mad street cred" with the folks that she was sitting with in Chicago that night.
Ohio was the next big call in Obama's favor. At that point I declared "Game Over". At 10:00pm CST, all major networks declared Obama the President-Elect of the United States. I expected to be overcome with emotion, but that didn't happen - at least not immediately. In my mind, there was no choice in this election. I only questioned whether the country was ready for a skinny kid with a funny name who looks likes me to be the President. I was cool until the new first family came on the stage. I was mildly distracted by Michelle Obama's dress, but I couldn't help but marvel at the fact the my candidate had been elected.
No contention. No recount.
Yes, we can!
Now if I can get Janai to stop calling Joe Biden John McCain, things will be great.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hightower Football Week 7
I Didn't Vote for Obama
I Didn't Vote for Obama.
I'm a middle-class white guy living in Jacksonville, Florida. I've got a wife and two kids. Because the kids had no school today, I took a vacation day from work, and took the kids downtown to vote early. Fifty-nine minutes later, two smiling children and I proudly sported "I Voted" stickers. But I didn't vote for Obama. I voted for my ancestors, who believed in the promise of this country and came with nothing as immigrants. I voted for my parents, who taught in the public schools for decades. I voted for Steve, an acquaintance of mine from Kentucky. (Killed by an IED two years ago in Iraq ). I voted for Shawn, another who's been to Iraq twice, and Afghanistan once, and who'll be going back to Afghanistan again soon -- and whose family earned eleven bucks a month too much to qualify for food stamps when the war started.
I voted for April, the only African-American girl in my high school -- it was years before it occurred to me how different her experience of our school must have been. I voted for my college friends who are Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and yes -- Muslim. I voted for my grandfathers, who worked hard in factories and died too young.I voted for the plumber who worked on my house, because I want him to get a REAL tax break.I voted for four little angels from Birmingham. I voted for a bunch of dead white men who, although personally flawed, were willing to pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, and used a time of great crisis to expand freedom rather than suspend it. I voted for all those people and more, and I voted for all of you, too.
But mostly, I voted selfishly. I voted for two little kids, one who has ballet in an hour, and one who has baseball practice at the same time. I voted for a world where they can be confident that their government will represent the best that is in this country, and that will in turn demand the best of them. I voted for a government that will be respected in the world. I voted for an economy that will reward work above guile.I voted for everything I believe in. Sure, I filled in the circle next to the name Obama, but it wasn't him I was voting for -- it was every single one of us, and those I love most of all. Who else is there to vote for? Vote like it's about a better America. Because it is.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hightower Football Week 6
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hightower Football Week 5
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Let The Countdown Begin!

I sense that you're not feeling either. So, let the countdown to the haircut begin!
Friday Night Lights

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Big Guy
But here's the news.
Weight: 22 pounds, 4 ounces
Height: 30 inches
90th percentile all around! You didn't know I could make 'em so big, huh? Well, Jay is a big guy indeed. And as mama and 'em used to say, he is eating me out of house and home. He wants nothing to do with baby food. Last week, when I got his report from daycare, it said that he had eaten "lasagna, tossed salad, and garlic bread" for lunch. What in the world! This past weekend, he was putting down meatloaf and mashed potatoes like it was nothing. Can someone slow this kid down? And... yeah... let's talk about the milk. The doctor almost fell out of chair this morning when I told her that he drinks 35 oz of milk per day. Ladies and gentlemen... to all who are unaware... that means $5.81 in milk per day! Now that is just PREDICULOUS.
Hightower Football Week 3

Now, you'd think that James would be pretty proud of this game's score. But, nooooooooo. As Defensive Coordinator, he is focused on shutting teams out completely. Notice that didn't happen this time (ahem, the other team actually scored a touchdown)? Say it ain't so, Joe! Now, gosh darnit, it's ok give up one score, isn't it? (Sorry... too much political news).
Back to my point. Actually, it was Special Teams that gave up the touchdown. Kickoff return: the Austin player receives the kick-off, begins to run it back at full speed. He gets clobbered by a Hightower player. I mean, the hit was so hard, the crowd went crazy. Well, apparently when the Austin player went down, he landed on top of his own guy, and never hit the turf. So while the Hightower guys (James' team) were celebrating and dapping the hard hitter up, the Austin player gets up and takes the ball into the end zone for an Austin TOUCHDOWN! Everyone knows James as the nice guy, but it was great to see him peeved!
Icky Icky Ike

This next picture is characteristic of what Ike did to the inland locations - lots of roof damage, and fences down.

We lost all of our food due to the 7-day power outage. This picture was taken one week after Ike hit. I was excited about restocking the refridgerator and freezer. I pushed my empty cart into Super Wal-Mart only to find empty shelves. The only thing in the cold/frozen food section was milk and frozen pizza.
All in all, Ike had us down, but not out. Thanks again for all of your calls, text messages, and prayers. It is great to have friends and family like you!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Hurricane Beat Down
Monday, September 15, 2008
Ike Update
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ike Preparations
I am finishing up a few last minute things for work. The kids' school closes at noon today. James' game tonight has been cancelled and his school district is closed tomorrow. We'll probably leave at some point tonight or in the morning and head for the north side of Houston. Please keep us and all those who might be affected in your prayers. We know that God is in control!
Will post an update as soon as I can.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Couthins from Texas
Janai was most interested in re-meeting her "couthins" (ahem, that's cousins with a lisp... and yes, another Janaism). For every person we saw (and there were lots of them), the inquisitive child had to ask "Mom, is that my couthin?" This is the price you pay when you raise your kids 1000 miles away from both families.
Janai took a quick liking to my first cousin's daughter, Jasmine. Would that make Jasmine and Janai couthins? They spent the whole weekend together. To my surprise, Janai even spent one night at Jasmine's house for a couthin sleepover. I'm not sure how much sleeping she did though. When Robin (Jasmine's mom) went for a 2am bathroom break, she found Janai laying there with both eyes cocked wide open. What can I say... the child doesn't get out much.
On Saturday, we visited the Children's Museum of Virginia in Portsmouth. Jay had a blast - does his outfit look familiar?
On Sunday, my mom hosted a Labor Day Cookout. Lots of food, fun, and folks. And to Janai's amazement there were couthins, couthins, and more couthins! Janai was the source of entertainment for all in attendance. Everyone was amazed at the way Janai talks - she is so articulate (proper) for a 4-year old and talks sssslllllooowwwwllllyyy according to the fast talking southeast Virginians. While I always knew that she had an interesting way of talking, it just recently hit me that she's Texan and has a drawl. Duh! So when she speaks, words are drawn out (God forbid she messes up and has to start over!)... and there is often an unnecessary use of extra syllables. For example, if you hear her say:
"Mahhhh-aaahhhhm", that's Texan for "Mom"
"Hayens", that's Texan for "Hands"
"Thayer", that's Texan for "There" or "Their"
"Chayer", that's Texan for "Chair"
"Fayel", that's Texan for "Fell"
"Bayef", that's Texan for "Bath".
Ok, so maybe she's not so articulate after all, but you get the point.
All in all, we had a good visit. It was great for the kids to see Nana Nell, Jerry, Poppa Bear, Pearl, Aunt Cat, Uncle Rob, Uncle Lil Rob, Aunt Monica, Uncle Jim Jim, Aunt Wanda, Uncle Sean, Aunt LaLa, Grandma Liz, Aunt Bettie, Aunt Cathy, Aunt Carolyn, Mr. Pleasants, Ms. Cassandra, Ms. Gertie, Ms. Bernadine, Ms. Janice, Ms. Brenda, Ciara, Couthins Mya, Micah, Delante, Jajuan, Jasmine, Eysence, Amir, Meco, Robin, Garfield, Pam... and the list goes on... and on... and on! Poor Jay was overstimulated!
After a late night of fun, we took the 5:30am flight (whose bright idea was that?) back to Houston on Monday morning and rested up before getting back into the regular grind. Who knows when the next visit will be... but we'll be looking forward to it!

Monday, September 1, 2008
'Canes Roll!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Portofino Paradise
Swimming, swimming, and more swimming... I mean that's what beaches are for, right?
We took a spin on the Go-Karts.
(Ahem, to all of my Dow friends, did you notice my safety glasses?)
Monica and Bayli (or is it Brooke?) wait patiently for the race to begin.
Juan and Brooke (or is it Bayli?) rolling in the Hot Wheels go-kart.
You can't go all the way to Florida without a playing a round of miniature golf, can you? How creative were we in our activity selection (NOT)!
Monica and Brooke (or is it Bayli?) give it their best shot.
We also pretended to want to do something semi-educational and visited the Air Museum at Pensacola's Naval Air Station.
Watch out Blue Angels, here they come!
Oh... how could I forget? What's a vacation without a visit to the emergency room? The little guy ran a fever of up to 103 - pneumonia was the culprit.
Jay and James in the local emergency room
After a healthy dose of antibiotics, and alternating Motrin and Tylenol, Jay was able to suit up and go out and enjoy the dolphin cruise.
James and Jay aboard the local Dolphin Finder boat (I can't remember the real name)
If this 6-month old could talk, he'd probably say "how long have we been out here in all of this water... I ain't seen a dolphin yet!"
It took a while, but we finally came upon a school of dolphins.
Overall, a very nice and relaxing vacation. We liked the place so much that we decided to do a bit of retirement house hunting. Whatta ya think? Should I scrape up a few million for this one?
Friday, August 15, 2008
Definition: Pretty ridiculous
Context/Used in a Sentence: When forced to wear an outfit that she doesn't want to wear, Janai responds "This is just prediculous, Mommy".
It's been a while since I've posted. Things are insanely busy on all fronts. James started with 2-a-days this week. So, I now have drop-off and pick-up duties at the daycare, 100 miles of commuting, and crazy 9.5 hr days at work. It's prediculous.
On top of this, Jay has decided that sleeping through the night isn't something he wants to keep doing. It obviously keeps me awake... and it wakes up Janai. So I'm quite the zombie. In order to get a little sleep, I've spent the last week curled up in a twin size bed with two kids. It's prediculous.
Did I mention that I am also trying to wean Jay and transition him to formula? Well, the iron in the recommended formula is causing all kinds of issues. Let's just say that his stools are the opposite of "throw up poop". I've never seen a baby grunt like this. It's prediculous.
Oh... and one more thing. Ms. Janai is toggling between the sweet, helpful 4-year old big sister and the child that likes to act a plum fool. Let's just say I got a call from the school on yesterday saying that Janai just decided to sit Indian style on the bathroom floor and hold a full conversation with Ethan (yes, a little b-o-y!) while he was going potty. It's prediculous.
So forgive me for not posting sooner. My hands are full!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
G.I. Jay

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Bad Hair Days
As the story all too often goes, after only a few days out of the womb, Jay's hair turned for the worst. It developed somewhat of a split personality - "do I want to be curly, or straight?" ... "how about both? . A few months later, the signature bald spot became apparent in the back of his head. Next came the thinning around the sides. All the while, the top continued to grow. Each strand pointed in a direction of its own choosing. The result of all of this is what you all have referred to as a "back-in-the-day Kid 'n Play high top", a "mushroom topper", "a bald fade".
I have refused to comb it, because it would stand about 4 inches tall. And we all know what the Williams kids look like with an afro! Check out this picture of Janai at about 6 months old.

And what about this one from just a few months ago?

So...I had been trying to convince James to let me give Jay a few cornrows - but he was, is, and will forever be vehemently opposed to it. Nevertheless, during the trip to Chicago a few weeks ago, the in-laws psyched me up enough to do it anyway. The braids lasted long enough for me to snap this picture, and have James to be pretty upset about it. Me posting this picture on the blog may be grounds for divorce! So take a quick look, you'll NEVER see this again!
For my friends who may not know, there is a method to my madness. As the old tradition goes (that mean grandmama and 'em used to say), baby boys aren't supposed to get their hair cut before they turn one year old. Rest assured, that Jay's appointment with Uncle Juan (our friend, and -more importantly-a fantastic barber) is already scheduled for November 25th, 2008 (You guessed it... Jay's first birthday!)
In the mean time, let's just all agree to keep pretending that high top fades are still in style!