Sunday, November 16, 2008

Good Hair Day!

"Hair is vitally personal to children. They weep vigorously when it is cut for the first time; no matter how it grows, bushy, straight or curly, they feel they are being shorn of a part of their personality." ~C. Chaplin

So today was the day we've all been waiting for. After a great morning at church and the typical Sunday afternoon nap, we loaded up the car for a trip to the north side of town for Jay's first hair cut! Uncle Juan opened the shop up just for us today. I was prepared for the worst because there's something about clippers and a soft spot that just doesn't go together. But it was time. The mushroom topper, afro, high top, raggedy mop of a hair do had gotten out of control. And while the wild hair had become Jay's trademark, I just couldn't take it anymore.

Jay proved Chaplin wrong and handled the cut like a champ. He sat there with his cape on like a big boy (with a pacifier, of course). Uncle Juan asked "how are we going to cut it" and I responded "just take it off... take it all off". Now it's gone... all of it... it's all gone. I'm still in a bit of shock. He looks like a different kid... ahem, a shorter kid. And... I didn't realize how big his head was underneath all of that hair! Here are some pics... Enjoy!

Uncle Juan scared me for a minute. He went in quick, and it appeared that he was going for the George Jefferson look.

Ummm... are you gonna cut that hair off in the back too? Just wondering...

Ahhh.. Time for the edge up. Sorry Jay, that pick is of no use to you now.

Ta Da! Look at my little man!

And Ta Da! Look at all of that hair!

1 comment:

Christy said...

The George Jefferson comment made me laugh out loud Alveda!

He looks adorable!