Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's a Bloggin' Birthday Party (cont'd...)

Better late than never! Here are a few more birthday wishes that have rolled in...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you are having a great Birthday and can celebrate a win this week not like Jay on his birthday when Hightower beat Kempner! Of course, seeing you made it all good. A BIG BIRTHDAY HUG!!!
Cheryne Elliott
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a 30th (I’m just guessing) birthday. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I did. And get ready to add to your winning streak. Congratulations on your victory over Travis, and go get some more. By the way, if any of your outstanding athletes who make really good grades get tired of wearing green, and they like the color maroon…
Jay Elliott

James, we are so blessed to be a part of your life. May God bless you with many more wonderful birthdays!
Steve and Tammy Crawford
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOJAMES....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU!!!!James, just imagine all of your family and friends singing that to you forwe all are via the blog:) May God bless you with a wonderful birthday andwe pray all of your hearts wishes come true:)
God Bless and Happy Birthday:)
The Sweeties

Happy B-Day James! Hope you had a great day!
Nicole Nicholas

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