Friday, April 9, 2010

Skates and Snakes

Well... it's time to catch up on blogging! I've spent a few posts talking about the many birthday parties that Janai gets to attend. Earlier this year we (ahem...I mean, Janai) had the most fun at two of her classmates' parties. I refer to these as SKATES and SNAKES.

SKATES - Speaks for itself. Remember Princess Hilary from last year (see 3/17/09 post)? Well, this year she had a skating party at the local rink. And while there was nothing super special about the party, I realized that at six years old, Janai had never been skating. And even more funny, Janai's mom (that would be me) had not been on a pair of skates in probably 20 years. And that, my friends, was entertainment! Here's a blurry shot of Janai working on her skating skills!

SNAKES? Well Little Mr. Matthew's parents hosted his 6th birthday party in their home. They invited a number of guests, including a few slimey friends. Here's a shot of Janai with one of the party crashers. Kids... they have no fear!

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