Friday, April 9, 2010

The Five Love Languages

On Tuesday night as I was leaving a late dinner for work, James called to let me know that we had received a request to share our "love language" story in front of several thousand people at the Wednesday night service at Lakewood Church the next day. Dr. Paul was planning to teach the fourth message in a series entitled "What's Love Got to Do With It?" and he was looking for a couple to share their story. He thought of us.

So the pressure was on. I stayed up late Tuesday night typing up our story - that James and I speak two very different love languages ( James' love language is physical touch, and mine is acts of service. As I tried to craft the story, my very supportive and loving husband went to sleep on me. Go figure. So just like I'm the designated family blogger, I was the designated speaker on Wednesday night!

When we took the stage, we were pretty nervous. I've given many technical talks and presentations, but usually I have Powerpoint to lean on, and never have I had an audience of 5000 staring at me. The lights were bright and even though I have near perfect vision, that 11-point font that I typed in turned out to not be the best of ideas! I stumbled over a few words, but I guess that was to be expected.

All in all, many were touched by our story. Watch us online at Look for the April 7, 2010 message. We show up at around the 50-minute marker. Enjoy!

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