Sunday, July 5, 2009

Talking Head

Earlier this year, the pediatrician was in a bit of a panic because Jay wasn't clearly saying any words. I was never concerned because I could tell that he was communicating, but simply choosing not to do so verbally. The pediatrician ordered a home visit by a speech therapist - and she reached the same conclusion that I did. Well we were both right. In his own timing, Jay has started to become more vocal and is quite the talking head. It is pretty entertaining. Here is an excerpt from the Jay Dictionary:

WOO WOO WOO - is what the dog says - and the sheep, goats, elephants, birds. You name it, it says WOO WOO WOO

BAAAHH- it's not what the sheep says. When you do something that he doesn't like, you're BAAAHH (BAD).

DOWN - This one is pretty clear.

AHPANE- Airplane.

INOPLAY - means I WANT TO PLAY... say it fast enough, and it makes perfect sense.

NOMO- means NO MORE.

OUT - This one is pretty clear.

BIRRRR- Nope, it's 100 degrees in TX, so this one doesn't mean that it's cold. Instead, its a BIRD.

HOT- Pretty clear, except it doesn't matter whether it's really hot, room temperature, or cold. (and you have to see the hand signals that go with this one)

BOO - Why are you scared? He's just pointing out the color BLUE.


NYENYE - This has dual meaning. He could be saying GOOD NIGHT, or calling his big sister NAI NAI

More to come...


Watkins Family said...


Unknown said...

They did the same thing with me when I was a kid. My kindergarten teacher thought that I was behind because I didn't like to gab all the time and made up my own words....but my parents and family knew I was fine. Sounds like Jay is a smart little guy.