Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Suburban America

If you've spent any time around me, you've probably heard me gripe about the pressures of Suburban America. I've lived in several places across this country including, but not limited to, Midland, MI (small town USA), Urbana-Champaign, IL (college town USA), and my hometown of Norfolk, VA (independent city). But there is something pretty special (and annoying) about suburban America. Take a wild guess... KID BIRTHDAY PARTIES!

I could be way off base... but play along with me for a moment as I go off on what promises to be a hasty generalization. I don't remember having a single birthday party growing up, so perhaps I'm just a little bitter (or maybe just forgetful). But, the birthday parties these days seem to be a bit out of control.
1. We get random invitations to parties for kids that we don't really know that well. So my general rule of thumb is that if I have never heard the kid's name, "we no go" (excuse my pigeon english, but I've been hanging around with my Nigerian co-worker).

2. Not having a birthday party for your child is not an option... apparently. Who made up this rule?

3. House parties are so lame... apparently.
4. Themeless cakes like the ones that mom used to make with the crunchy candy letters on top? Long gone. So not cool.
Instead, you must have a real venue. You must have a theme. And you must have a cake/decorations to support that theme.

We recently attended a fabulous 5-year-old birthday party for Janai's friend and classmate, Hillary. Ahem, I mean... Princess Hillary. Formal invitations were sent. Girls were asked to wear princess attire (crowns included). Janai opted for Snow White over Princess Belle. Check out this shot of Princess Janai with Princess Ariel (actually her real name) and Princess Hillary.
The event was held at the Sugarbaby's Cupcake Boutique in Houston. It was set up like a tea party and the chairs were covered with satin coverings much like what you would see at a wedding. Yes, seriously...

Cinderella made a guest appearance, played magic games with the girls, spoke in the highest pitched voice you could ever imagine, and also did some face painting.

The spread of food was excellent and included fruits, pastries, and sandwiches in the shape of butterflies. The table was set with real (or at least it looked to be real) china and the girls sipped on lemonade. What ever happened to Caprisuns? Juice boxes? Little hugs?
Next came the cupcake decoration. Each little princess was given her own cupcake to decorate with candies and sprinkles of her choosing. Moms were able to choose from Sugarbaby's Chic line of specialty cupcakes, including Velvet Rouge, Carrot Cake, and Chocolate Truffle... just to name a few.

Did I see a photographer snapping shots of the grand affair? Yes! And thanks to her, I have a few the pictures to share with my friends in the blogosphere.

Princess Janai (Snow White) Williams sipping on lemonade

Princess Janai and Princess Hillary doing a majic trick with Cinderella

Princess Janai and Princess Ariel decorating their cupcakes

All jokes aside, this was truly a great party and all of the girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves . Hats off to Queen Stephanie for hosting such a divalistic gig.

Me, on the other hand... well, I've tried really hard not to be a sucker for this suburban birthday party madness. Although I haven't quite reached Queendom, I must admit that I have fallen into the trap.


Jeanette said...

love this :).... these "must have" birthday parties are quite a scary phenomenon.... at least for my pocket book :)

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Jasmin is supposed to go to one next week - a pamper party. I can't wait to see what it's like. Hopefully dad can take Lloyd because he will not enjoy it, I'm sure. I've tried the house parties and too much work!

Aundrea said...

I went to 1 princess party with DeAndra, but they just wore princess dresses and a castle cake. I think it is definitely a surburban upper class thing. I remember having 1 bday party with my sister and my mom made the cake and we had one of those volleball sets you buy at the store, great fun with no themes. Kids these days are spoiled because they have so much, a regular party would bore them.