Jay is coming up on 16 months old and he is showing himself to be quite the Mr. Clean. Well... sort of! Aside from the fact that he still takes great pleasure in throwing certain foods from the high chair down to the tile floor and he shreds any paper or magazine to the smallest of pieces, he is expressing great interest in cleaning and cleanliness. Take your pick - a mop... a broom... a full length duster... dust pan... it doesn't matter. At any given moment, on any given day, it's likely that you'll find him with one of those items... or maybe even more than one if you're lucky. Check out my mini-multitasker!

He also has a complete obsession with brushing his teeth... all 10 of them. No toothbrush is safe. He'll pick up any one he sees and go to work in creating the best pearly whites you've ever seen in a woddler. It also hilarious to me that he insists that the water remain running so that he can rinse his toothbrush. Poor Ms. Janai has often caught the bad end of this obsession. If he sees her on the stool brushing her teeth, it's common practice for him to bull-doze her off of the stool and take over.
I'm enjoying this while it lasts. I know that the time will come when mopping and sweeping is no longer cool, and something as simple as brushing his teeth might be looked at as a chore and not just good hygiene!
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