Spelling is one of Janai's greatest interests these days. Tonight, as we were riding in the car on our way to church, Janai says, "Mom, we're going to church. I know how to spell church: T-U-R-C-H". Since she was so sure of herself, my attempt to correct her turned into a neverending conversation (ahem, argument). It's not like church is a new thing for her - she's been going for all of her 5 years of existence. So it was strange to me that she would get this one wrong. And then it hit me, we've always referred to church as KidsLife, the name of the wonderful children's ministry at Lakewood Church. So now that she's a big girl, and we call it what it is, it should be easy for her to spell it right? Well apparently not. That little chatter box argued me down about how "you don't even make sense... I hear the T sound... see listen... Tah - urch".
Now, most of you know I'm challenged in the area of breaking things down for 5-year olds. So I tried to help her by saying that the c-h sound in the word church is just like the beginning sounds of the words "cheese", "children", "chicken", "chitlins" (just kidding on that last one). But the child isn't folding - she's holding her ground on the turch thing. What's a girl to do?
Anyway, all that aside, the turch service was excellent. Dr. Paul gave an awesome message in the big turch out of Luke 12, and Janai and Jay enjoyed a great lesson on Elisha in KidsLife.
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