Janai is a pretty smart cookie, I promise. But this one had me confused for a while. The newest addition to the list of Janaisms....
Antmother: also known as aunt; pronounced 'unt' to some, 'ant' to others; defined as the sister or sister-in-law of one's parent.
Used in a sentence: "Mommy, who's my antmother?"
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now, most of you know I'm challenged in the area of breaking things down for 5-year olds. So I tried to help her by saying that the c-h sound in the word church is just like the beginning sounds of the words "cheese", "children", "chicken", "chitlins" (just kidding on that last one). But the child isn't folding - she's holding her ground on the turch thing. What's a girl to do?
Anyway, all that aside, the turch service was excellent. Dr. Paul gave an awesome message in the big turch out of Luke 12, and Janai and Jay enjoyed a great lesson on Elisha in KidsLife.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Hannah Montana Obsession
I've tried to keep this Hanna Montana chick out of Janai's sight. But somehow she's become obsessed.
No... it's the god-awful Hannah Montana nail kit that the guy in the big red suit with the long white beard left at our house on Christmas eve. Actually, by the time Janai reads this years from now, she'll know that mommy and daddy are the real Santas. So let me tell you the truth. In late November, I asked Janai what she wanted Santa to bring her for Christmas. On the list was nails... "you know mom, like, the nails that are like long, and like pretty, like that you can like glue on, ok?". So one day while shopping in Dillards (weeks before Christmas), Janai spotted a Hannah Montana nail kit conveniently placed next to the coat that we were there to purchase. The whole thought of waiting for Santa to bring nails for Christmas was out of the window. She cried and passed out on the floor because I wouldn't buy it for her right then and there. I mean, she seriously cut the fool - all the while, the clerk was bagging it up with the cute little coat we bought.
Not with the tv show... that would be too much like right.
Not with the music... of course not, the child couldn't sing the lyrics of "Best of Both Worlds" if she tried.
Not with the crap loads of paraphernalia that is in every store on this planet.
On Christmas day, she was so thrilled to find that Santa bought her exactly what she wanted. "How could he possibly know?" It's been down hill ever since then. We've been counting nails everyday to make sure we have all ten. I've had to go to the drug store for real nail glue, "because mom, this stuff isn't sticky enough". We've had to take them on and off over... and over... and over again. And, I am so over it. Say bye-bye to the nails! Maybe I'll blame their mysterious disappearance on the baby brother? Maybe the cleaning lady? Who know... who cares... they're gone and don't try to stop me!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Fast Forward
Christmas was, for many reasons, a bit of a blur for the Williams Family. Lots of toys, books, clothes, food, a half-done gingerbread house...and little to no pictures to show for it.
So fast forward to January 2009. Happy New Year from our family to yours! And... Happy 5th Birthday to Janai! Our little angel (ahem - calling those things that be not, as though they were) is growing up so quickly on us. She celebrated the occasion with 16 of her friends last Sunday at Incredible Pizza of Sugarland, TX. What fun! They enjoyed an evening of all-u-can-eat pizza, birthday cake, classic games like Musical Chairs and Red Light/Green Light, and then 1 hour of unlimited arcade fun! The kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves, while the parents all had the same "who's bright idea was this?" look on their faces. Here are a few pictures from the event:
The Barbie and the Diamond Castle theme is a carryover from Christmas.
Ms. Mea and Janai take a spin on the go-karts.
Jay watching (ok...maybe he's not watching) as the big kids ride on go-karts.
Matthew Webb strikes a pose in the arcade.
Wyatt Doyle puts on a smile for the camera.
Admitted Addict
So, you've probably been wondering where I've been, huh? No blogs in 3 weeks or so? A major holiday... a new year... a kid's birthday... and no new pictures or postings? Well, thanks for your concern. It's time that I come clean about what's been going on behind the blogs. I'm tired of all of the secrets. Today... at this hour... for the first time ever... I freely admit that I stepped away from blogging to feed my newest addiction... Facebook!
I tried for the longest to avoid it, but the temptation got the best of me. I know I've disappointed you. I was spending late nights up on the computer reconnecting with friends, chatting, posting photos... and all the while, you missed three weeks of happenings in the Williams household. How dare I? I know it's been tough for you. And, I promise, I'll do all I can to make it up to you.
Please find it in your heart to forgive me!
I tried for the longest to avoid it, but the temptation got the best of me. I know I've disappointed you. I was spending late nights up on the computer reconnecting with friends, chatting, posting photos... and all the while, you missed three weeks of happenings in the Williams household. How dare I? I know it's been tough for you. And, I promise, I'll do all I can to make it up to you.
Please find it in your heart to forgive me!
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