Janai loves to visit Chicago for many reasons, but one reason stands out above them all - PaPa! Yes, PaPa. If you're ever looking for him, you can find him wrapped nicely around Janai's pinky finger. PaPa - the one who takes spoiling to a new level! PaPa - the one who has saved Janai from many a whipping! Oh... Papa! We love PaPa... and Nana too... but PaPa...
Within a few minutes of our arrival, Janai had stripped out of her clothes and made it into the backyard pool. Somehow she managed to convince Jay to weather the cold pool waters with her. He was thrilled... can't you tell?

In no time, the junk food began to flow- one after the other -Popsicles, Caprisun, Corn Puffs, Fruit Snacks, Pudding.... you name it, PaPa gave it... they ate it!

By 3:00pm, I convinced Janai to take a nap. (OK, maybe I threatened her). After 1.5 hours of resting, she woke up looking pretty pitiful. Her first words (of course)... "Where's PaPa?". She joins him on the deck outside, but she's still so exhausted (or maybe sick) from her morning of fun that she decides to finish her nap on the swing. It doesn't take long before all of the fun food makes it way up our of her little belly and onto the swing. A few moments later, Janai is doing the "I have to go potty" dance... and this take us nicely to the first
Janaism on the blog."Throw Up Poop"Definition: Something very similar to what grown folks would refer to as diarrhea.Used in a sentence: "Mommy, I went to the restroom to go potty, and it was like throw up poop"Thanks PaPa!