I recently wore my hair in microbraids. For this, I visited an African braid shop where two Senagalese women teamed up to put in a ton of braids using human hair extensions. $150 for the labor, $45 for the hair, 6 hours, and 2 Tylenol later, I came out with a very versatile and manageable hair-do. It was perfect as I was in the middle of a very busy season at work and not having to deal with my hair was a bonus.
Well those things couldn't stay in forever, but, I certainly got my money's worth. After 3 months, I started the task of removing the braids. Needless to say, the process took days. I eventually had to call in my sitter for help, and we tackled the last few in 3 hours! When all was said and done I looked like a mad woman! (Note... this shot was intentionally taken from behind so that if you ever tried to use it against me, I can claim it's not me!)

But a few short hours later, I visited my stylist in Houston for a good relaxing, washing, conditioning, flat ironing... and Voila... GOOD HAIR!