We are two weeks into the school year here in TX. Janai started the first grade, and in case you need to be reminded ... first graders don't take naps! What has mommy learned over the last two weeks? Well, I've learned that first grade costs too much! Reality check... they use real books... lots of real books... reading books and work books that cost up to $300! (Is this college?) Oh, and a Spanish book ($10)... and a dictionary from Scholastic ($10), and a supply fee ($100). Oh, and lest I forget the tuition!!
Jay started in Toddler I. If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I was a little shocked that my little 22-month old has to wear a uniform to school. But as the last few weeks have gone by, I must admit that it makes my life so much easier. Nana has complained that we haven't posted pictures of the kiddos in their uniforms. So, here's a shot of mini-me and mini-him finishing up breakfast this morning at school.
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