Janai celebrated her 6th birthday in early January. After much negotiation, I managed to bribe her into not having a big birthday bash. Instead, we celebrated for a few days. Her birthday landed on a Tuesday. James dropped off "Princess and the Frog" cupcakes and ice cream to share with all of her classmates at school. Later that evening, we had dinner as a family at a restaurant of Janai's choosing... or maybe not! She actually wanted Red Lobster, but we've done the mommy-daughter date there too many times before. So we introduced her to Joe's Crab Shack instead. She ordered the crab legs, and of course mommy had to crack and pick the crabs while she gobbled away. Where I grew up, in order to eat crabs, you had to know how to crack them for yourself!
On the following Saturday, I took Janai and her friend Jasmine for an appointment at Beauty a la Groovy. There they had manicures, pedicures, up-dos, and make-up done. We followed that up with a girls' lunch at Olive Garden. This somehow turned into a slumber party that included an evening of movies and popcorn. On Sunday, we went to church, had brunch, dinner... and Jazz left in the evening. So much for a smaller birthday shin-dig!